Research updates
Our preprint is published!
Since our last update, we’ve been busy doing experiments with the Sea level game 2080: first at Betweter Festival in September, at the Bachelor open ...

Experiences and results from the game premiere at Betweter Festival
Since my previous research update in August, a lot has happened. I spent much of September ironing out the last kinks in the Sea level game 2080, including ...

Designing a board game about sea level rise
In one of my previous research updates, I hinted at the sea level rise game I’m designing. I don’t want to give away too many spoilers for those of you who ...

Sea level rise, and how not to drown in the facts
It’s time to dive a bit more deeply (pun intended) into my project, specifically the topic of sea level rise. You’ve obviously heard of it, but what are ...

The trouble with self-publishing ongoing research
When I started this open research notebook a few months ago, I was planning to publish a new entry every month or so. You may have noticed that it has ...

Public engagement: what, why, and for whom
If you haven’t read my introductory entry, I’d recommend to do so before you continue. And now, for a proper start, it’s important to get some context on ...

Hello world, or: an introduction to this open research notebook
Welcome, reader! In this open research notebook, I’ll be sharing my experiences and progress of my research on public engagement. In essence, I’m working ...